GSS offers a printshop which is equipped for intaglio, relief, silkscreen, and letterpress printing. The shop has 14’ ceilings, a concrete floor, natural and artificial lighting, and is well-ventilated. Our printshop equipment that caters to all mediums includes:
Golding & Co. Gladiator guillotine paper cutter
Large and small drying racks
Work table with built-in lightbox
Washout and cleanup booth
Miscellaneous cleaning supplies, gloves, etc.
Equipment Listing by Medium:
Vacuum table
Vacuum exposure unit (32” x 39”)
Screen coating supplies (scoop coater, emulsion, drying racks in darkroom)
Storage racks for screens by washout booth
Intaglio & Relief
Dickerson Combination Press (27” x 48” bed size)
Felts and blankets
Soaking trays for ferric chloride and paper
Homasote sheets and drying rack
Large hotplate
Palette knives, rollers, glass counters
Miscellaneous expendable supplies
Vandercook SP15 Manual (15” x 31.5” bed size)
Poco cylinder press (for galley and composition proofing)
Ludlow Typograph with various composing sticks (for line casting)
Cabinets of Ludlow matrices
Hammond Slug Cutter (for cutting leading)
Assorted wood and metal furniture, keys, quoins, gauge pins, packing, etc.
Job cases of loose type in various typefaces and point sizes
The printshop is especially well suited for artists wishing to work in multiple print mediums. The shop is managed by a technician but is not staffed on a regular basis. Use of specific work areas and equipment is available by scheduling on a shared Google calendar. A limited number of flat file drawers for $25/month and small cubbies for $20/month are available for printmakers to store their work and supplies.
The shop has a variety of printmaking supplies on hand, but we do not stock or sell many common expendable items. Members should be prepared to supply most of their own needs, including but not limited to the following items:
Paper towels
Printing paper
Registration pins
Foil/wax paper
Contact paper
Razor blades
Drawing materials and tools